
Apps Control It All In Cybermanor Smart Home

June 23, 2015Apps Control It All In Cybermanor Smart Home

This column appeared in the San Jose Mercury News and the Los Gatos Weekly in January, 2015. The article gives a very good overview of cyberManor’s products and services and our “Tours by Appointment” SmartHome Experience Center in Los Gatos, California.

The Apple Watch: Initial Home Control Experiences

June 15, 2015The Apple Watch: Initial Home Control Experiences

Gordon van Zuiden reviews his initial home control experiences with the new Apple Watch and its potential future in custom home electronics integration.

Rachio’s IRO – The “NEST” Equivalent for Intelligent Irrigation Control

January 2, 2015Rachio’s IRO – The “NEST” Equivalent for Intelligent Irrigation Control

Gordon van Zuiden reviews the history of smart home irrigation controllers and the benefits of using the new Rachio irrigation controller product.

History Repeats Itself

November 14, 2014History Repeats Itself

cyberManor’s office in Los Gatos was formally a schoolhouse built in the early 1900s. In 1926 it was moved to its current location in Los Gatos. In the 1920s all of the major utility companies were touting the benefits of electricity in the home and GE promoted the benefits of proper ...

iPad Cradle adds Button Based Control

July 31, 2014iPad Cradle adds Button Based Control

The Apple iPad has become the standard control platform for the home. The feature rich user interface of apps for the control of music, lighting, comfort, and security make it the ideal platform for the control of your TV systems in your home.